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I cant not play my thai songs anymore.

I cant not play my thai songs anymore.

I have been listening to my thai music alot on spotify many time. But now it doesn´t work. The latest day when i was listening to those music was like yesterday. Yesterday it was fine nothing was wrong with it. Now i am very sad and dissapoited that it doesn´t work. I live in Sweden. 


I Really want it to work again. Please fix that the thai music can play again please. SPOTIFY.

41 Replies

It is new for me that Spotify is in Beta. They are on the market quite some time already. I might be wrong of course but doubt it a bit.


And yes, Spotify should inform for major changes, like in this case when an entire Label pulls its music.

I do understand that Spotify can not update on every more or less known singer which might pull its music from Spotify, if an entire Label pulls out, then this is something which needs to be announced. But of course announcing when a new Label or Artists signs up is better than announcing when someone resigns.


Hi guys,

i just got an advert email from Spotify that they just added BodySlam, Singular, Silly Fool, peace Maker, etc. into their music library. So, i really hope that all the Thai songs will keep coming back within a couple weeks.

Spotify needs to provide a better interface and communication to customers of what they pull rather than replying with generic answers like this:


Thousands of albums and artists are being added to Spotify every day. If you can’t find an artist you’re looking for, they may appear (or reappear) soon.

In the meantime, feel free to contact the artist or their label to ask when they plan to be on Spotify.
Answers like the above does not solve anything but only serves to enrage the customore. Seriously thinking of cancelling my account with them.

@ozziegunner It is annoying, I know but the reality is that music is added to and removed from the spotify catalogue by the rights holders/publishers/aggregators. 

I don't really think its Spotify's fault, that is just how the music industry works - the record labels still ultimately hold the controls for delivering content. 



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Still if 50+ artist in play list just remove fr.o.m. 1 country i think spotify sudd tell abut it and infor abut the problems if not coming back i Will cansel My spotify. So spotify whats is going on and when is this solvd?

agree completely. i am no expert but usually there are contracts and rights in place for copyright material. if the agreement is not renewed then the content is pulled. spotify needs to do a better job communicating which labels are going to expiring and which artists are affected. the current system causes confusion and frustration. at the end of the day customer ends up paying  subscription for content that can be "pulled" at anytime.

Strang that we not get anny anser from spotify! Maby thay notintrest of custemers?

Yes, I have noticed the same thing. Like 99% of my thai playlists are now gone. First I didn't understand where they had gone, thought someone had deleted the songs from my playlist. Sent a mail to support as per instruction but I have not gotten a reply yet and it has been 2-3 weeks now....


Have to rely to listening to youtube, internet radio and my old old cds.. Spotify should at least make the effort of notifying members when so many songs are removed from playlist.


Maybe it's time to stop my premium and wait until Google Music is available in my country.

Did you get an automated response directing you back here or to the FAQs? If so, you need to reply to it or they will just assume the case can be closed. Something strange happened to the Thai music. There were a bunch of posts about this when it disappeared but I haven't seen an explanation.

Any news on this? Quite a lot of songs disappeared from my playlists too.

it seems like they are adding Thai songs back in a very slow pace 😞

jwylot, If you are referring to me then I got an automatically generated email thanking me for my email and a copy of what I wrote to them.


Also a note about our communitiy and the FAQs.


Nothing else.

@saxel Yes I was referring to you. Reply to that automated response to push your case to one of the consultants.

can you let me know which artist you see reappearing? I see none of my lists returned. i am giving them until end of the year if the situation doesnt improve i am cancelling my subscription.

There is only Carabao and Bodyslam what I know.  It is easy to check if there is anything to start radio based on thai music. I just found this 25 hours:


25 hours – 25 hours




EDIT: one more:

Pongsit Kampee



This is what I've been listening a lot but not anymore:

ตั๊กแตน ชลดา_Takkatan (Chonlada Thongchunklang)



Maybe you have some other bands you'd like to share?

i posted a queston in GMM Music on facebook.. about Da Endorphine and why her music is gone. Hope i will get an answer. If you guys also make you voices heard she and the other thai music comes back!!

Completely agree. I can't find any info on why they decided to suddenly remove 95% of all the Thai music existing in the Spotify library - absolutely ridiculous! My entire Thai playlist is gone, I had a good amount of songs there... I just really wish they realise how beneficial it'd actually be for them if they had their music there, since it'd be available to an ever broader audience. Shame.

It is the same thing with Rdio to which I subscribed in the meantime due to their superior UI.

Anyway so it's not a Spotify issue but it must be the labels.

I further checked in Deezer and also most GMM artists missing, if not all.

I think everyone who wants to see them back should contact GMM.


I do however nevertheless agree with other posters that Spotify should inform if such a huge amount of music is being removed from the catalogue.

This seems still to be a problem! Is there anyone who knows why Spotify pulled their Thai music and if it is expected to come back again ...?

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