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I don't want FB to know what I'm listening to

I don't want FB to know what I'm listening to

Since I don't like my spotify username (which I got before someone came up with the frustrating idea to require a Facebook account) I decided to create a new account. And so I did, but now I can't HAVE a spotify username?


To begin with I had to create a new facebook account, because I don't want to share what I'm listening to with my Facebook friends. But now my username seems to be my fake facebook account's name? Well, what if I don't want that name either?


The thing is I was going to add some tracks on a public playlist but i don't want my name to tell others who added them. So is it really impossible to A) get a username, not a facebook name and B) hide from facebook friends what you're listening to? Why do everything have to be public nowadays?!

7 Replies

If you don't want to share what you are listening to with your friends on Facebook (or only share to a select few) then you can do this with the Facebook security settings.


For example, to turn off sharing to others completely go into the Facebook App Privacy settings, select Spotify and choose 'Only me' under the setting "App activity privacy - Who can see posts and activity from this app on Facebook?"

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

Thanks. But I'm still wondering about the username?

What do you need the username for? If it's for publishing so others can find your playlists you can get the link from your account Profile Overview page

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

So... my username is a lot of random numbers then.


I tried visiting my new profile in spotify when logged in on my old one, and it didn't show the number username, it showed the Facebook profile's name. This is exactly what I wish it wouldn't do. And are there any settings that can hide my entire profile inside spotify, so no one can see what I'm listening to or view my playlists? Maybe I can live with the name, but.. I just want to keep my profile in spotify private, so it doesn't show anything to other users. Is this possible?

Aside the the FB setting I mentioned above there are several settings you can switch off in the Spotify app itself. In preferences these are all near the top - make sure these are all unticked:

- Scroble to

- Share my activity on Spotify Social

- Show what I listen to on Facebook

- Automatically publish new playlists

- Publish Top Tracks

- Publish Top Artists



Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

i dont want others to subscribe me, so i deleted the playlist but i see they are still subsribing to my playlist...

Just copy the songs from the playlist, paste them in a new playlist and delete the first one! 

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