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Im paying for Premium but my Account does not get the Premium features


Im paying for Premium but my Account does not get the Premium features



I have an active Premium Subscription since 2012 but now it does not work anymore. When I look at my receipts page my last payment is also missing, but my Bank account shows that I did pay.


My Account says that I have an active subscription and that my Subscription will change to Spotify Premium on 2014-03-10 which is when my next payment will be made.


I have already tried to reinstall the client which did not fix my issue.


I have also contacted the customer support directly but they said that I should make a post here.


I hope that someone here may know how to  fix this.


Thank you for your time.

251 Replies

I've got the same problem since yesterday.

My support ticket is #01429640.


thanks a lot! 🙂

I can't find spotify app in windows store for my lumia 1020. how can i get it?

@krysstal - What country are you in?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Same problem here!

My support ticket is # 01430337.

i'm in Denmark .

I'm in Denmark @Peter

I have a premium account with spotfiy that is including with my phone contract (vodaphone) but since the app did an upgrade i no longer have the premium account why has this happened? How do i resole the problem



I have the same Problem with my Account. It says that my account is "Free" since Friday. Although the my bank-account was withdrawn, it seems that this transfer wasn't accepted for April. Im Paying with Dauerauftrag.


My case number is #01425718




@debs86 - Is your account showing as Premium here?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi no its saying that i am using spotify free on there, i have had the premium since december as thats when i took out my contract.
Marked as solution

@debs86 - Just asked a member of the Spotify team to check this out for you, looks like your subscription issue is on the Vodafone side. You will need to get in touch with them to see what is going on (there have been a number of reports of issues lately on the community too).

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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My case has finally been solved. I got 30 days premium for free and afterwards I can decide how to pay.

Thanks a lot eventhough it took a while

@peter could you maybe have a look at what my problem might be? It says on my account that I am using premium and that 9.99€ will be transferred via "sofortDauerauftrag". But I can not access any premium stuff 😞 also no money has been taken of my bank account so far... I'm in Germany... What can I do?

@FinnL - Spotify are aware of some payment issues with SofortDauerautfrag payments over the past month. If you use that payment method, you will need to get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they will be able to lend a hand to get you back up and running again. It looks like the direct debit payments are no longer being offered by the provider. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you also post your 8-digit case number here, we can ask for it to be chased up for you. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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@Peter - Thanks for the info! Okay I will do that then, hopefully they can fix it quickly 😄
My digit case number is #01426488

This whole situation is ridiculous.


So, direct debt is no longer accepted in Germany. Accounts are suspended without any prior contact. Support works on a "case to case" basis.


I work in a Software as a Service company and if we treated customers like that it would be a big problem.


Whatever, as I am a hostage to Spotify I can only wait...



Ok thats brilliant thankyou i will get in touch and chase them up about it

Same Problem, my number is #01430399

Ich habe das selbe Problem.

Spotify Fall # 01414376

same problem  # 01430655

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