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Library transfer

Library transfer

Is it possible to transfer every single song from my library from one account to another?

Or can i switch the email address from one to another? I have both of the accounts connected to two different facebook accounts and can I switch the Spotify account to be connected to my main facebook account?

1 Reply

Hey @Zyxyxyzy.


Both are possible actually! The easiest would be to make sure your music collection is stored in public playlists, you can visit your old account with your new account and grab all your songs from there. You can visit your old account by putting the following string in the search bar:  spotify:user:username


Don't forget to replace username with your own username. Visit your old account and drag all the songs from the playlists over to playlists of your own.


And that's about it! Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day!

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