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Login Problem

Login Problem

I cannot login to Spotify on my computer.  I have uninstalled/reinstalled multiple times.  I get no errors, after I enter my username/password the "logging in" page comes up and spins like it's thinking forever.  The page never changes, never errors out just spins.  It worked fine for me for about the firs 2 weeks after install and has not worked now for about a week.  Please help!!! 

4 Replies

Hi wolfmama - So I can confirm your account is alright on our end. As you joined via Facebook you should be using your FB email/ password. 


If you're still having trouble please try changing your FB password. Restart the app and sign in with your new details. Let me know how that works for you, thanks!

Hello I have this problem.

When I enter my FB email and my FB password I've got a message saying that my password is wrong. But he isn't. I tried to reset it. I changed my password, re-install spotify. Nothing works. I've already post a message but no answers. I hope I could have a solution here. 


( sorry if my english isn't correct I'm french)


Have a nice evening. 


Hi yokirin - What I recommend is going via the Facebook website. 


On the lefthand side of the page there is a "Music" tab under "Apps". From that page play any Spotify track. 


The app should launch with your account automatically signed in. 

Hi Meredith,


I have tried all the sugggestions (reinstall, firewall, facebook click in music tab track) but am still having trouble logging in. The login screen sits there and tries for a good while to get me in but isn't successful.


I previously have been using spoitfy with much success for several weeks leading up to last friday 11/2.


Any other suggestions?


Thanks in advance



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