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My email was hacked

My email was hacked

I signed up with spotify a while ago with Facebook, and I recently changed my emails on everything. I will like to change my email on spotify, since the email i was using was hacked. is there any way to change my email? since when it goes to the object to change it, i cannot even do it. I am getting kind of worried

3 Replies

Hey @n_mwwcja0-pts ,


Welcome to the Community!


I'm sorry to hear that your email was hacked, I'd recommend checking this article for the next steps to take. There, you'll find a guide on how to get in touch with the Support, they'll be able to assist you further with this matter.


I hope you have a nice day! 🙂

My email account was hacked. I cannot changed my spotify email, (since I signed up with Facebook) so I am what do i do now?

Please follow the step 2 on the article I sent above. 


You can use this link to get in touch with the Support so they can take a closer look at your account and assist you better with this:

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