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Is there a way to search for specific songs on Spotify. If so, could someone tell me how?

Thanks, Leeflea.

27 Replies

hpguru, Yes, I did see Spotify listed as indicated in the display you were kind enough to post. So, I guess it's working as it's suppose to.

Again many thanks and namaste.


Hey, nice to see it's working. Have a nice summer with Spotify.

hpguru, pardon me but I forgot to mention that I did see the dark colored box at the bottom of your posting. Will check that out further as soon as I catch up on some things. There are a couple of music programs similar to Spotify which I don't like and don't have a good feeling about which I'm going to delete, also. I'm pretty intuitive and they just don't 'feel right'. And since I'm so security conscious, I'd feel better getting them off my system. Esp. after receiving a notification from one saying that our passwords had been compromised. Leeflea.

Thank you very much hpguru, it's nice working with you, too, as you've taught me alot. I just don't deal with some people who are just totally rude, hateful, and sarcastic. You are none of the ones listed. I apologize but I couldn't read the language on one of your postings of the programs listings but I got the gist of it. I speak some Spanish but that's about it. I don't know where you live but here in the U.S. languages aren't give high priority. I'd like to learn Latin just to be able to do so although it's not spoken now except in my Dad's church but it's mostly in English now. TMI? Sorry.


Again, thanks hpguru on your tutelage of Macros and the 'double click'. So, from what I understand your saying is that if I'd list a macro, it would be more time consuming than just using my mouse? Too, I've read your links and it seems you are greatly informed on all this. I should be so lucky.

I'm esp. fond of the music of my heyday:  disco, Motown, and the like so I'll peruse the site for that later, too. Lee

Hey, thank you for asking.


I live in Finland, the nice country. 🙂


I'm actually from Russia, so I talk well Russian and Finnish. I learned a Finnish here in Finland very fast. And believe or not, I learned English here in Spotify Community. 🙂


About my Spotify experience - I use Spotify since 2009 and Premium since December 2010. I know everything about Spotify. All my friends are asking about Spotify from me first. I can solve every problem I have with my Spotify in no time. I just know everything about this amazing music program. It's my main music source with my PC and Mobile (Windows Phone Mango, Lumia 800).


Also to be honest, I am here a most active Community founder - in other words I am in love with Spotify. I just hope that Microsoft can improve it's Spotify application for Windows Phone Mango.


BTW, you can click "Edit Reply", no need to double-posting. You can just edit your post and add more information.


Also if anyone know Russian language, just listen and enjoy, This song makes me cry...


Hey, how did you sign up for Spotify? The employee told you to use a username and password to log in, but those haven't been possible to create for 8 months now (Facebook has been forced).

Stupify - It appears leeflea2009 initially created an account a while back, before the integration.

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