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Playlist Issues with Spotify Family

Playlist Issues with Spotify Family

I recently signed up for spotify family after being a premium member for a number of years. So far, it's been a disaster. I signed up because My wife and I found ourselves using the premium account at the same time too frequently and in order to listen, one of us would have to kick the other off. I figured the family plan was the way to solve this problem and in a way, it has but when she accepted my invite, she had none of the playlists. I had to share each playlist with her via text message in order for her to add them to her account. When we used to use the Spotify app on our Roku device all of my playlists were there and we could listen on our TV now that she has her own account, she attempted to listen from the TV and she didn't have any music associated with her account. She's been having trouble adding music to the playlists that I sent her thru text and it has just been a big inconvenience. IDK if we're simply not doing things right or if her account is basically a brand new account unassociated with mine except for the billing.


At this point, I'm ready to cancel my family plan and go back to regular premium if we can't get this under control. Can somebody help?

2 Replies

Hey @TripppSe7enz. Sorry to hear that you're having troubles with your Family Plan. The way that Family Plan works is similar to the idea of buying in bulk. You buy more, and in return, receive a reduced rate.


As you've figured out, a Family Plan does not allow an individual account to be used by more than one user, but instead ties multiple accounts together under a unified billing plan. The accounts you and your wife use are entirely unique from one another, which can allow a household to enjoy a reduced cost, but still maintain their own accounts and enjoy their own music.


In the instance of you and your wife, it seems that this independence is causing some issues. To share the same playlists between accounts, you can send them either through text message as you have been, or through one of the other options here. Once having shared a playlist, you, or your wife (depending on who doesn't have the playlist) can "Follow" that playlist so that it remains in their library, and is updated whenever a change is made to the playlist.


Alternatively, it is also possible to set up a collaborative playlist where both you and your wife can administrate and manage the playlist together. I understand that both of these options lack some of the convenience of simply sharing a single account, but unfortunately there does not exist a way for more than a single user to use an account. I would strongly urge you to stick to a Family Plan if both you and your wife intend on using premium subscriptions, as this will remain the cheapest and most convenient way for both of you to enjoy premium.


Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns that I might be able to assist you with. Cheers!

Hey @TripppSe7enz


An update from Spotify has been posted here about the Roku app:


"Due to various technical challenges, the Playlists feature has been removed from the Roku Spotify app.


We do understand your concerns and are working with Roku on how best to move forward with this app. In the meantime, you can search for and play artists, songs and albums, and your playlists are always available on your other devices with our desktop and mobile apps.

There are other ways to listen to Spotify on your TV too. Check out our guide at"

MattSudaSpotify Star
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