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Playlist fot deleted by techperson!

Playlist fot deleted by techperson!

Hello please help me restore My playlist that got deleted by The salesperson when I updated spotify!
4 Replies

Hi, are you logging in with the correct account?

Yes its the right account. I bought à new phone and got 6months of premium, so they moved My acc to The new number. The salesperson told me that she deleted My list when moving acc.

@juliaedebro wrote:
Yes its the right account. I bought à new phone and got 6months of premium, so they moved My acc to The new number. The salesperson told me that she deleted My list when moving acc.

That doesn't make sense, why would they move an account to a number? Also, they shouldn't have deleted the lists. They may be unrecoverable if they were deleted - it looks like a new account was made more you.

Yes i couldnt move My account to The new number first so I went to The store Telia, where I bought it. She couldnt fix it and told me that she deleted My playlist by accident when Messing around in spotify

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