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Playlist reseted

Playlist reseted


I had this playlist originally called '50' but then changed to '64 + Bonus', there were a lot of songs on the list (not sure of the exact amount but probably around a thousand). I then created a new playlist also called '50' to which I transferred songs from '64 + Bonus'. This morning I noticed that the playlist called '64 + Bonus' has been reseted to it's original name '50', and all the songs were gone. I hope that wasn't too confusing. Is there a way to restore the list to its supposed form as '64 + Bonus'?

Any help is much appreciated, thank you.

Edit: my username is: mansh

2 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂

Best bet is to full in the form in the 3rd bullet point of the playlist recovery topic and the Spotify team will do their best to restore it for you. 

Unfortunately, v0.9.0.133 did have a playlist synchronisation bug in it, which might have caused something strange to happen.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Thanks Peter, I'll try that!

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