
Help Wizard

Step 1


Playlists and other information disappeared

Playlists and other information disappeared


I've just logged in on Spotify in my computer, and all my information has disappeared (playlists, friends, etc.)
I've already done the procedure that you explain here, by disconnecting from Facebook. I've logged out and logged in several times but it stays the same.
On the weekend I've installed spotify on my new Ipad, can it have any relation with this? On the Ipad I also didn't have anything of my account, but I thought it was because it wasn't synchronized yet.
What can I do to get my things back?

Thank you so much in advance.


1 Reply


Hi Teresa !


probably , when you have installed Spotify on you Ipad , a 2º account was created , and since then , you are accessing to 

that wrong and empty account . Make sure you are logging with your correct username , which could be your email if the 

account was created through Facebook ,   or a username created by you , if the account was created directly through Spotify .

Which is your email associated to your account ? 

If you still having troubles , contact the Customer Service Support .


good luck !

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