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Playlists are gone

Playlists are gone

Somebody tried to hack in our family account. Now we changed passwords and I got a new invitation from our main subscriber, but all of my play ist are gone and the recovery playlists button does not work, what can I do? Please help!

2 Replies

I guess that Spotify should seriously reconsider to implement a two-factor authentication, which is usually the best defense against account hacks.


You can vote here to speed it up (hopefully):


Meanwhile, let's hope that Spotify support can reinstate your lost playlists.





I understood you tried the function "recover playlist" from here? 

  1. Log in to your Account page
  2. Click Recover playlists in the menu on the left. 
  3. Click RESTORE by the playlist you want to recover.
  4. Open Spotify and find the restored playlist at the bottom of your playlist collection.

If that won't work, I would try to get in contact with Spotify support!  


To contact Spotify! 


contact Support:

1. Email/chat function Contact form

2. Twitter - SpotifyCares

3. Facebook - SpotifyCares

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