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Premium Account issue

Premium Account issue



I've had a premium account for a while now and it re-news itself automatically, and has done since day one.


However, just not adverts have started again! So I checked my account and its reverted to a 'FREE' account! Why has it done this?? All my card details etc seem correct. Why have I been downgraded.


I dont want to click re-subscribe and end up paying double! HELP! I hate adverts...



5 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Are you sure you are logging into the correct account? Can you see the receipts for previous months on your online account

If you can, then it sounds like your most recent payment has failed for whatever reason, check your inbox inbox and spam/junk folders since you will have got an email if that is the case. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Yeah I'm Logged into the correct account, my player still says Premium up the top... I'm just getting ads now.


I can see how my previous receipts... and checked my email and found one (vame in the last hour) that said my recent payment has failed.


Nothings changed and there is money in the account... why would it fail and If i re-subscribe now, I wont get charged double will I?



@sfrance87 wrote:

Yeah I'm Logged into the correct account, my player still says Premium up the top... I'm just getting ads now.


I can see how my previous receipts... and checked my email and found one (vame in the last hour) that said my recent payment has failed.


Nothings changed and there is money in the account... why would it fail and If i re-subscribe now, I wont get charged double will I?



Nope, as long as you are signing into the correct account you should be sweet to resubscribe 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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All done, re-subscribed and now no more adverts!! Woohoo! Only had adverts for half hour and it drove me nuts.

I know your pain! 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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