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Premium and Downloading in the UK

Premium and Downloading in the UK

It is really unfortunate that Spotify stopped the downloading service in the UK. This was part of the Premium package.

Suddenly stopping a service without explanation is reprehensible and reminds me of the MSN Music fiasco.

MSN suddenly stopped their music service and made me lose money. I have never used a personal computer powered by Microsoft since.

It seems that Spotify are going the Microsoft way. "We are Big now and we can do whatever we want to the minority that uses our download service. We really don't care if they are unhappy." That's the sort of "don't care about my client" attitude that will bring the Spotify service down sooner rather than later.

1 Reply

@sfreiha wrote:

It is really unfortunate that Spotify stopped the downloading service in the UK. This was part of the Premium package.

That is incorrect, the Spotify downloads store was never part of the premium package. 

The downloads store was completely seperate from all subscriptions and required you to purchase seperate download credits to download music. 



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