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Purchasing, Downloading, and Burning CD's

Purchasing, Downloading, and Burning CD's

I am new to Spotify and I find It hard to manuever around to get the information I need.  My main quetion is how to actually purchase music tracks or bundles.  and burn them on a CD.  Also I have had no luck in finding the cost for this in US Dollars.

The system has me under the UK, but I am USA.  When I tried to change it to the USA I am Led into another page with advertisments on it.....    HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!


Thank You

2 Replies

Hey there, 

Did you ever figure out how to do this?  I am trying to do the same.

Hey guys 🙂


There is currently no built in download store available in the USA. 

You will need to use an alternative service if you wish to download and burn tracks to CDs. 



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