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Random username

Random username

I have no idea why, but my username consists of random letters and numbers and I don't know how to fix it. I'm under a premium family subscription and have been for a few months, which means I didn't create my account, but it was created under my email and not my Facebook. The name under my profile is just my first name, however when my friends want to search me they can't find me at all. I think they have to search using my username and there's no way that will ever happen as I can't memorise it, let alone them!


Please tell me there's a solution.

1 Reply

Hey, @cad_dgn -


The random username(username showed as a bunch of random letters and numbers) is just a way to keep in track of user data on Spotify, so you won't have to worry that much about it 🙂


Newly created accounts take a while to show on the search, but you'll be able to search for your profile by just using your own username(@cad_dgn) soon or later.


In the meantime, you can share your profile to others by the following steps here:


Also, if you want your Facebook username to appear on your profile, you can connect your Facebook account with Spotify.


Here are the instructions:


Thank you 🙂

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