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Spotify Not Cancelling My Subscription

Spotify Not Cancelling My Subscription

I tried to cancel my Spotify Premium account weeks ago. I followed the prompt several times, and even got the page saying that I was done and free to go back anytime. However, my account stayed Premium. I contacted the support staff, who said they cancelled my subscription and would refund me--and I have the emails to prove it. However, my account is STILL Premium, and I have not been refunded. I am so angry about this. How can I make Spotify unsubscribe me, and give me the money they lied to me about?

5 Replies

I'm sure they'll be keen to get this sorted. Please keep the email dialogue going with them until you are completely satisfied.

I also cancelled my account but spotify are refusing to refund - does anybody know the appropiate regulator to take this up with as they are also refusing to let me know who to contact.......

@SamCola wrote:

I tried to cancel my Spotify Premium account weeks ago. I followed the prompt several times, and even got the page saying that I was done and free to go back anytime. However, my account stayed Premium. I contacted the support staff, who said they cancelled my subscription and would refund me--and I have the emails to prove it. However, my account is STILL Premium, and I have not been refunded. I am so angry about this. How can I make Spotify unsubscribe me, and give me the money they lied to me about?


Depends on which country you are located in @davytsan ?

The regulator will most likely require proof that you cancelled though before they can take any action, do you have a screenshot or the cancellation screen or the confirmation email?

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I'm having the same issue ... FOS will be my next stop

I almost felt your pain. I cancelled the subscription 4 days ago and today received an e-mail from Spotify that my credit card wasn't working and "would I please submit another form of payment". Fortunately, (or unfortunately), Visa had to give me new credit card numbers 2 days ago, because my credit card information had been "skimmed" (hacked) and they needed to cancel the original card I had used for Spotify premium. Otherwise, I guess I would be in the same boat.

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