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Spotify Referral Program - Code?

Spotify Referral Program - Code?

Hey Community


I invited a friend with a referral link but I haven't got any code yet.

I wrote yesterday an e-mail to support but haven't got any answer yet.


Can someone help me please?

16 Replies

Did you receive an automated response and reply to it?

Yes, of course.


Case #: 01348489

I'll escalate your case now 🙂

Thank you! 🙂

Hey, I'm told a reply was sent a couple of hours ago. Any chance it ended in your spam/junk folder? I can ask for it to be resent but could you just check the correct email is recorded here first?

The E-Mail address is correct. And I don't have any mails in spam.

But I changed yesterday my E-Mail address. Maybe it tooks the old one. And I don't have access to this anyomore.


Can you please resend it? 🙂

I'll get it done 🙂


Thanks again. 🙂

Erm........confession time.......looks like your case is still with the accounts team to deal with but you should get a reply soon. If you haven't heard anything by tomorrow, could you nudge this again?

I haven't got any answer yet...

Hi. I just chased it again. I'll let you know when I hear anything.

Still no reply. 😞

It's in the right hands and you should hear back soon. I can only guess that these things are complicated. At least we know it is being dealt with 🙂

Hey again. I never heard something.

But today I got an e-mail with my stats.

But I never got the code. 😞


@tim86432 -- we sent a reply to your email address on 3rd April. You replied later that day, then our payments team sent another email on 4th April. Was it not you that sent the reply to us?


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@adam Yes, that's right. But that was about that I can't reedem a code.

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