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Spotify thinks I'm abroad, when I'm not


Spotify thinks I'm abroad, when I'm not

I used spotify in the US, then studied abroad in Australia for 5 months. I couldn't use it there, but halfway through Australia got spotify. I had to change my country to use spotify there. Now that I'm back in the US, I had to change my country again. But now spotify says "Your account can no longer be used from abroad, since the maximum travel time is 14 days for a Spotify Free account. To continue using Spotify from abroad, sign up for Spotify Premium which gives you unlimited travel access." But I'm not longer abroad, and would like to go back to using Spotify Free.

419 Replies

they turned me off again. guys, would u help me again, please?
username: veronika.kittova
still in the same country: Slovakia
thanks a lot !!

Does this page show your location is in Slovakia?

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yes, it shows i´m in Slovakia

I'm in the US

but it´s still not working. could you help me, please?

Hi Rocio,

I have the same issue. I´m still in the same country - Slovakia, but they turned me off. I can not log in. I did not use my account abroad. 

Could you help me, please?
My username is veronika.kittova

Thanks a lot !

@kajt @Armin_Tamzarian - If you could both get in touch with the support team directly using the online contact form they will be able to lend a hand to get this sorted out. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer support via Twitter, please tweet @SpotifyCares.

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I have the same problem too, please help. I was studying in Germany for 5 months and may have stated my country as Germany then. But I've since moved back to Singapore and I can't access my spotify account.

Did you swap it back over to Singapore here?

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Hi im trying to log in to spotify on a different device as i lost my phone in ibiza. I didnt use spotify while i was there as i lost it on the first day! I try and log in on my kindle via facebook but it tells me it seems you are trying to log in from a different country!! Im home now its so frustrating! Help please...

Hi. Are you able to change your country by following the steps in this FAQ?

hello.I have a problem with my spotify.Can you change my country. ? I am living in turkey but i cant open because of abroad error.Help me please

@Kampack - Can you not update it here?

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II have also had this message for months and had given up on Spotify for other alternatives. Can you advise how I can reaccess my Spotify from my ipad. My country states the United States so why can't you see that.? Thanks for your consideration and assist.



I have the same problem, I was using spotify without any problem last year and after summer (I went 4 weeks to Spain) I can't use my account, in my profile I have UK, so I do not know what to do now.



I reinstalled the program again and everything is ok!!!!!!!

Happy to hear that everything is working fine now, enjoy your music 🙂

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Hello there. I have forgotten my old username for spotify and trying to log in via Facebook gives me the message about 14 days abroad. I've just got the iPad and have never used it abroad.

I did initially activate it with a Spanish language but had to change it.

The same thing I am happening to me. Can you please fix it?

If your old Spotify account is linked to your Facebook, your username should appear on this page:

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