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[Tutorial][Windows] How to Fix Error 17 (Installer)

[Tutorial][Windows] How to Fix Error 17 (Installer)

I don't understand i have spotify since almost one year and all worl well.  Sundainlly i can't connect or more and more difficult and now i need to reinstall spotify.


Since i re install i have this error 17 and i can't enjoy of spotofy now.  I'm really disapointed and i don't want to lose my time to do all this thing to fix this error.  it's really sad because spotify was a good thing. 


i think spotify need to find a solution otherwise a lot of people will stop to use or won't try to find the solution (it's my case, i have other thing to do...)


if they find solution it would be great to be inform



6 Replies

What version of Windows are you using and is it a computer system you own?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I use windows 7 and it's my own computer

what i find strange it's appears sudenlly.  never had problems before that and i have change anything..

Strange, do you have any anti virus or other security software installed? Spotify needs access to some folders which some software locks down for security reasons (things like CryptoPrevent spring to mind).

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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i have only avast and windows firewall but spotify is on the list of file accepted.

i have change anything to this parameter....



I have the same problem. I did however have this with other programs too, steam. It is constantly not able to install or start up itself. Where it comes from? no idea. I am still seeking what is conflicting it. Maybe, maybe it is some windows update screwing everything up, but I'm not sure yet.

Normally it is related to the installer not being able to write to the %appdata% folders which are restricted by some group policies and security software.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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