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Two accounts

Two accounts

I had an account sencronised with facebook. Then I opened a second account with my e mail. These two accounts have same e mail but one of them is  sencronised with facebook other one isn't. Today my unsencronised account took payment for premium when I tried to get access to this account Spotify wants a password but i can't remember the password. When i want to get a new password i type my e mail but Spotify is giving me a New password for my account that sencronised with facebook. I can't reach my other account. I want an authorized person to reach that account and cancel my premium and give my money back. Help please... 

1 Reply


Thanks for reaching out, and welcome to the Community!

I’m sorry to hear you're having trouble. I recommend checking out the ”Problems logging in” support article for more info.

This should help clear things up!

And I also recommend checking out the FAQ page ”I want to use Spotify without Facebook” here for the steps you should take to start the process of switching those accounts.

Thanks, let me know if you have any other questions!

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