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Using US Spotify as an Brasilian

Using US Spotify as an Brasilian

My girlfriend is using Spotify free in the united states on her smartphone.
She registered as an brasilian (which she is). Then it worked for some time.

Now, when she is starting spotify, she is asked for her social seciruty number ???
What happened ? - Is it because she somehow is transfered into a premium account or is it because Spotify found out that she is using a US Spotify as an Brasilian ?
P.s.: She registered her account kin the USA....

4 Replies

Oi @Danskeren, tudo bom?


Você pode usar o Spotify Free fora do país registrado na sua conta, mas apenas por 14 dias.


Depois disso, você precisa fazer upgrade para o Premium ou alterar o país registrado na sua conta. 


Qualquer outra dúvida me fala!

BittencourtSpotify Star
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Oi Rodrigo 🙂
É o suficiente para mudar o país no perfil? - ou você precisa de um número de telefone registrado nesse país - neste caso, os EUA?
I am sorry for not speaking Brasilian (I am danish and live in Germany), so this is Google Brasilian language...(I'll promise to improve 🙂
So the question is not for me, but for a girlfriend....
Thanks in advance for your help,
Henrik 🙂

Desculpe pela minha **bleep** - eu sou muito bom - é fim de semana

Hey @Danskeren, I'm sorry for assuming you were Brazilian 🙂


I guess you might need a US telephone number, but I'm not sure since these things change from country to country. I suggest your girlfriend to simply try to change the country and follow the steps.


Let me know how it goes!

BittencourtSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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