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Pushed ADs in wrong language

Pushed ADs in wrong language

I am in New Zealand but occasionally have been pushed ads in Kenyan (not english as I have received since joining). I am a free user. I have New Zealand selected as my country and primarily use my android Samsung mobile. I have gone to the ads and note it shows 'Kenyan' but when I click to on that tag I get an error message. I don't mind the ads but they're pointless if I can't understand them!
4 Replies


I have been abroad for more tan a month now (The Netherlands) and I started to get my ads in the local language, of which I cannot understand a single word, so it's frustrating when I'm focused working and some guy starts saying what (for me) is gibberish. Is there any way (apart from using a VPN) to choose the ads language and take it back to Spanish or English?


Hey @ExterCoC,


Thanks for reaching out about this in the Community!


Currently there is no way to select a proffered language for the ads you're getting. Ads are automatically generated based on the country/ region you are currently in.


Hope this info clears things up. Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have questions.


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Same here. Im in Costa Rica and also getting them, really pointless honestly.

Hey folks,


Thanks for posting in the Community and welcome.


In this case, could you make sure to provide us with the following details (feel free to use this as a template):

  • Device the ad appeared on (make and model)
  • Operating system (e. g. Android 9; iOS 16)
  • Exact Spotify app version
  • Is it a visual or audio ad?
  • Rough time and date you heard the advert

Once we have that, we'll make sure to pass it on to the right team.


@Dumvfck, keep in mind the preferred Spotify app language on Android devices will be based on the language of the device itself. Also, the preferred locale will be based on the Spotify app language on the device you logged in to most recently. If perhaps your app it's on a different language on other of your devices, this could explain this behavior. You can read more about it in this article.

If this is not the case, feel free to send us the info above.

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