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abbonamento 3 mesi a 0,99€

abbonamento 3 mesi a 0,99€

Buongiorno, per sbaglio ho disattivato l'abbonamento dei 3 mesi a 0.99€ come posso riattivarlo???
1 Reply

Hey @JessicaEmissivi, welcome to the Community!


We hope you don't mind if we reply in English. If you'd rather get help in Italian, just reach out to us via email here.


Did you cancel your subscription? If so, you should still have the 3 months of Premium until they run out. You can double-check this info by logging in here.


If your account reverted to Free after successfully signing up for the offer, it'd be best to reach out to us via email so we can have a closer look at your account.


Be sure to keep us posted on the results.

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