Help Wizard

Step 1


mutiple accounts

mutiple accounts

I signed my son up for Spotify, using my email address and credit card, and now I would like to sign up my daughter with her own account.  Nowhere, but nowhere can I find anything describing how to do this.  I even tried referring Spotify to myself, but that hasn't worked either.

Putting aside the annoyance of Spotify's failure to have anyone to call (you'd think Spotify would spring for a human to answer a call to take MORE money from me...), is there some Spotify-affiliated person who can help here?


1 Reply

You should be able to open an account for your daughter from the main page. Make sure you are not logged into spotify on another account - you can log out by clicking on your profile name at the top right then go ahead and create a new account for her. You'll need to use a different email address or Spotify will complain 


Were there other issues you were having?


Spotify doesn't offer telephone support by the way but you can get in touch with them here at any time.

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