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swift answer

swift answer

ok customer service answered my initial rants quite swiftly. thanks!

2 Replies



I've just taken a look at your account and it seems that your card didn't seem to process correctly. There could be a number of reasons for this -


1. Your card must not have expired. If you have received a new card, please update your card details on your Subscription page:

2. The country set in your Spotify account profile must match the country where your card is registered. If you intend to use a payment method in another country, you can make this selection on your Subscription page (We can only accept payment from our launch countries).

3. Your card should be enabled for e-commerce transactions (Verified by Visa/Mastercard securecard card).

4. Your card must be open to be used for foreign purchases.

5. There are some banks that require other security authentifications, the most common one being 3DSecure.


If you are still experencing issues, I believe it might be down to the type of card you have. As it's technically making a payment of 0.00, your card may not accept it. Using PayPal might work best in this case. 

Airhorn Enthusiast

the first thing i did before i contacted spotify is call the card company. they show no authorizations attempted on my account from spotify.

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