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unable to process payment

unable to process payment

I have been attempting to,pay my account balance however or continue to decline by payment. I'm certain that there is adequate funds on my visa plz help need my Spotify Back
17 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Is your card registered in the same country as your Spotify profile?

They are required to be registered in the same country to verify that you live in a region where Spotify is available. More information can be found in the Payments FAQs.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Spotify slanderous posts : "Spotify has been unable to withdraw funds from your account due to a bank error. To ensure that your Spotify Unlimited subscription does not expire please contact your card issuer." My account does not have to be covered, so unlimited charged is not possible to charge the card to. Can I pay this fee 4,99e somehow or what should I do??? Help me!  I do not want that spotify will close my account!





Hey there, ensure that you have enough funs on card or Internet payment enable.


There is problems with some banks, they provide more security, and they decline Spotify's autorenew as security step. Spotify should use an Internet payment type, not Store payment type. because you're purchasing from Internet not from Store. There is no fix for this, because Spotify doesn't care.


If this is problem, you might be able to find gift cards from local store or purchase Premium as e-card. Yeah, that works. And again, Spotify don't have an Unlimited e-card on site... 😞

So I´m in a position to pay not produce 4,99e in any way? Removes spotify now my account entirely because the levy is not possible to charge the card? 😞

Yes, I reported this problem to Spotify year ago and they do nothing to change to right payment type.


Where you live? In Finland we can purchase a gift cards from R-Kioski. However if you want Premium, you can normally get it with your card as e-card here


However this is not solution if you need only Unlimited. However you can try an PayPal option here and see if that works better

Yes, I live in Finland. I want to stay Unlimited. What if I cancel subscribtion and I will take it back on. Does it help?

I can of course try to PayPay option, but debit cards have been simpler.

Hey there!


In this case no need to cancel, you can purchase from R-Kioski an Spotify gift card and redeem it here and also you can choose if you want single downloads, Unlimited or Premium.


Voit lukea lisää siis tuolta


Ja voit ostaa niin monta korttia kuin tarvetta on ja lisätä nykyiseen tiliisi kunhan kirjaudut ensin ja sitten menet ko. redeem-sivulle.

So, should I continue to buy every month charge card. Maybe I'll try to it PayPay payment option or cancel subscription.Spotify has not yet  been closed my account. My bank account has money now, but probably  not later remove the fee...

If you use a Nordea bank, this is a problem Spotify is know about. But they do nothing to fix payment systems.


You can try PayPal and it should work with auto-renew.

I have a different bank account. So, PayPay works on the same principle as the card? Charge from the account automatically every month?

Yes paypal just processes a card payment in the same way Spotify would but through another service. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Ok. Maybe then change the paypal payment, before spotify has time to close my account.

Hey 🙂


There is no rush, Spotify won't close your account it will simply revert to the free version if you don't pay 😉

You can then resubscribe at any time.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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aa... Ok, thanks! 🙂

I changed the payment method paypal. Charge for paypal now my payment this month from my account? Spotify slanderous posts: "Spotify has been unable to withdraw funds from your account due to an erros. To ensure that your spotify unlimited subscription does not expired please contact paypal."

Spotify try to charge for money twice. After that account is Free when Unlimited is over. The only one thing you can try is purchasing a gift card from local stroe and hope for a well payment process next time from paypal.

I made this way.. I canceled my spotify Unlimited subscription and I took the free version. I took back to the Unlimited version and now they took from my account 4,99e.  Next payment then take the next month etc.. Everything is okey now. I hope so. 🙂

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