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Album cover Huawei

Album cover Huawei

I have the Huawei P9 but i can't see the Album Cover from the LockScreen, it's always blue ( like the screenshot below ) ... Do you have a solution ?
2 Replies

Hi there pal!


This could be any of these issues below (from a non-professional view) I'll list them off with some fixes!


Your device - give the device a soft reset (usually holding down the home and power button until the device turns back on).


Your network - try and use data over wifi or reset your router (if possible) to check if it is an issue on your networks end.


An issue with spotify - log out and back into the application to give it a refresh. OR reinstall the application.


Hope this helps! 🙂

I had the P9 Lite and i didn't find a solution from Spotify nor from Huawey. It's a great cellphone but the emui personalization sucks....

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