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Android client update (unofficial info) (ICS)


Android client update (unofficial info) (ICS)

Still no news from spotify considering an update (atleast officially)..
But i've been annoying the developers in one of their chatrooms for a while, and when i noticed there was no info on this forum regarding an update, i figured i'd post this.

dan^spotify and chiel are employees at spotify.

This is a log from the spotify platform (developer) irc chat room from Feb. 11th

[18:21:03] <dan^spotify> The Android client is currently undergoing an epic rewrite
[18:21:05] <@chiel> dev0: yeah, we've been a bit understaffed in the mobile department for a while
[18:21:12] <dev0> i just noticed yet another update for the ios app and got a little upset that spotify doesnt work on my tablet, or on ics on my phone
[18:21:13] <@chiel> so it took some time to get up to speed
[18:21:16] <dev0> 😞
[18:21:25] <@chiel> yeah. i won't deny that it sucks
[18:21:38] <@chiel> but like dan^spotify said, the android client is actually undergoing an epic rewrite

..And this is a log from today from the same channel. Does say a lot about how important we Android users are to Spotify

(11:37:58) <dev0> so, i was wondering. how far away is that "epic android rewrite" release date ?
(11:38:33) <dev0> cause 20 million galaxy s2's just got ICS (4.0)..
(11:43:00) <dan^spotify> I'm not sure how that's relevant?
(11:43:31) <dev0> its relevant cause spotify does not work on ics
(11:44:41) <dan^spotify> Well, it's coming along well

So there is light in the end of the tunnel.. But it looks like it's a VERY long tunnel..

EDIT: (22/03)
For everyone that dont feel like reading through all the pages.

Post from licenced end of page 3:

Here you go - it's in french though!/Spotify_France/status/182770603080691712


Google Translate says: "To answer all questions at once: Android is a correction on the way, just likethe iPad application, thank you very much ..."

Equalify developer/owner
34 Replies

Since there has been no genuine communication on this issue from Spotify att all, what did you expect?

I think the problem is Spotify has no real concurrency at the moment, at least in France i mean, i tried deezer, musicme, qobuz etc... and i just can't leave the spotify desktop client. To be honest their app works fine on my cowon z2 player, what i can't stand is they offer 320kbps to iOS users without even reassure android users about a future similar update.

That's my feeling too.


People moan I'm leaving for X and Y but X, Y and Z expect you to use a web browser when not using a mobile. Are you for real? Spotify Desktop is exceptional and specifically why I stick with Spotify.


Fingers crossed at some point I'll be able to say the same thing about their Android mobile app too. I recently got a Spotify survey e-mailed to me. I made it very clear how dreadful it is.


I'm not aware of any streaming service that has taken the same Desktop vs. Web browser approach in Europe or North America. Sure in theory browser based is better but I just don't find I ever need music at a third party random computer and almost all of my mates have Spotify installed anyway. Those that don't, there's always Grooveshark.

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@bradavon i'm afraid i do not have any further update.

This was pretty much meant as a post to share what little information i did have, since it appeared not to be known by most people that a rewrite was in progress.

I did not want this to be another rant trhead, just information.
And i was hoping someone at spotify would see the thread and confirm it so there would be an official statement.

I will update the front post if i get any new information, but i would not hold my breath!

Equalify developer/owner



I didn't know a rewrite was coming. I don't believe Spotify actually read these forums, except maybe the odd moderator or two. The best channel is e-mailing support.

A complete rewrite must be necessary. 

This application is so bad i don't even want to see the code. 


This is a paid service, give us some quality ffs. 


Plus i've joined this community 20 min ago and saw people have been complaining for 1 month at least. ONE MONTH. 

How come spotify let people complain for one month on Mobile application issue?? This mobile thing is supposed to be the main concern of a company like spotify.

The arrival of a new Android version has been confirmed by Spotify France via Twitter.
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Can you give us a link to the tweet?

@ Sheugel: Thanks. Can you post a link please?

Does it sound like a proper upgrade or just another minor one? Any timeframe? Thanks again.

Here you go - it's in french though!/Spotify_France/status/182770603080691712


Google Translate says: "To answer all questions at once: Android is a correction on the way, just likethe iPad application, thank you very much ..."

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

Nice! They've confirmed an iPad app is on the way too, which doesn't interest me but it really is essential.

I bet we won't be seeing an Android tablet app anytime soon but those two are definitely a start. Thanks.

Where is the news? ... We want to know a god **bleep** timeline.

Agreed. It's not really 'news' if it's obvious is it
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

Spotify has never confirmed official release dates or pipeline priorities. 


Which is entirely the reason that this thread is full of rumours and speculation.

Short of anything official from Spotify what do you expect to happen?

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