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App para de tocar as músicas

App para de tocar as músicas




Moto g20

A alguns meses venho sofrendo com o problema do app parar de reproduzir as músicas, e reiniciando o app fazendo com que eu não consiga ouvir música nem podcast


Outro problema que tenho sofrido é que quando abro o aplicativo sempre aparece a notificação de que não estou conectado 


1 Reply

Hey @Vinicioscs7,


Thanks for reaching out! Hope you don't mind us replying in English 🙂


Could you tell us more about your issue? Does it happen when the app is focused or in the background?
It's a good idea to take a look if any battery optimization settings of your phone are affecting the app.

But, this aside, we might also be dealing with something related to your cached data. 

To remove it, follow the steps from this article
Should the issues persist after that, log out of the app and back in twice in a row to trigger a manual sync of all your data and settings.
And in case the issue remains even after this, we can try performing a complete clean reinstall of the app so see if that would make a difference.

Note: A clean reinstall will remove all Spotify-related files from your device and install a fresh copy of the app. 
Both this and removing your cached data will remove any content downloaded for offline listening.
The said content will automatically redownload but we'd advise doing this when having an active Wi-Fi connection, in case your mobile data plan has more limitations.

Keep us posted on how things go! We'll be on the lookout.


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