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Can't download music to SD card

Can't download music to SD card

I can't get Spotify to download music to my SD card and am running out of options. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Spotify as well as deleting downloaded music and moving folder from internal storage to SD card - this gives me a 'Cannot move folder' error even if Spotify is force closed and even after a clean install with no music downloaded. I have a 32Gb SD card with 9Gb used and I don't see the Storage option in Spotify. Spotify version is armv7 Android version is 7 and phone is Samsung Galaxy S7. Any help would be much appreciated.

1 Reply

In general, this article will answer your question. Go to the Spotify app and go to settings. From there, scroll to the bottom, and under the ¨Other¨ section, Storage is an option, among Delete cache and saved data and Log out. Click on Storage and click on ¨SD card.¨ A pop-up will be prompted, and it will ask if you want to transfer your files. Click yes and it will begin transferring them, and after the transfer, your app will restart and all your music should now be on your SD card rather than your phone´s memory. Hope this helped

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