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Disabling push advertisements on Android

Disabling push advertisements on Android

Hi All,


I'm a paying Spotify customer; I'm happy to support artists and eliminate ads from my stream.  Recently however the Spotify app itself (on Android) has started pushing ads as Android notifications!


I had a chat with support, and it turns out the only option from within the Spotify UI is to disable all push notifications, which is most likely not what people want.  It certainly wasn't what I wanted, I just wanted rid of the ads.


So they've agreed to manually disable push ads for my account, which is apparently not an option that regular users have in the Spotify UI.


So: if you want rid of annoying Android push ads, contact support directly and request they be disabled on your account.  Worked for me 🙂



Duncan Bayne

2 Replies

Intersting, thanks for the info. Incidentally I don't like anything being pushed to my phone at all, so I disable the lot (probably why I've not had this issue hah). Anyway, the heads up is appreciated Duncan. Cheers!



Excellent. Thanks for looking into it. Pushing advertisements through an app gets the app instantly uninstalled from my phone, or at the very least all notifications from that entire app silencened. I consider it a total abuse of an app. Now with spotify, I use the notification area all the time for playback control. Not allowing me to turn off the advertisements with a setting is such a critical oversight it might push this app into uninstall territory which is a shame because it's one of the few apps I pay for. 

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