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Download all playlists at once

Download all playlists at once

Hi. I have a lot of playlists and some of them have hundreds of songs. I have bought a 128 GB SD-card for my smarphone and would like to download all the playlists at once instead of one at a time. Is there a function to do this? Or do I have to press each playlist for download?


Also, how do I make sure Spotify download all the songs on the SD-card instead of the local phone storage? Do I have to delete Spotify and reinstall it onto the SD-card?

4 Replies

anyone home??

Removing the Spotify cache from the app settings menu with the new SD card installed should do the trick to move it onto the SD card. Unfortunately, there is no way to mass mark playlists for offline usage.

It is also worth bearing in mind, Spotify has a maximum of 3,333 offline tracks per device, so I don't think you will even get close to filling 128GB.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Just 3k songs?! darn, I was hoping to completely replace my iPod filled with pirated music but now I don't know... On my ipod I have 160GB and room for about 30 000 songs.

"Removing the Spotify cache from the app settings menu with the new SD card installed should do the trick to move it onto the SD card."


I tried that now, but it still downloads the songs to the tiny phone storage. *rage*

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