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HTC Android - facebook popups

HTC Android - facebook popups

Hi there!


Today, I was hoping to listen to music (spotify) on the way back from work, so I turned app on and started to cycle, music stopped playing after first song.

I had to interrupt my training, get off the bike to check my my phone and I see whats going on...

I found out that there was a facebook popup saying something about "sharing with your friends" and there was no button to cancle that  screen.. so I tryed "back" button on my phone (HTC Sensation). But back button closed whole spotify app not only that popupscreen.. I had to start spotify app again and then I got an error, saying that spotify crashed.. I had no Wi-Fi so I skipped reporting crash message, restarted spotify, and I meet that facebook popup again, after few times I figured that the only way to listen to music is to agree with whatever that popup says. At first it looked like it worked. I was able to listen to one song, and then that stupid popup came up again... What the hell was so important there that it had to interrupt my playlist?

This was the most annoying bike ride I ever had.. I am paying for spotify so that I get to listen to music without adds! Popups that iterrupt my playlist is same as adds. Please get rid of them and never show them again!


Once I got home, connected to Wi-Fi and accepted that popup window for the X'th time, it worked. And I was able to listen to music without any interrups, but that was already too late..


Sorry for my english.

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