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How to store offline music on the external SD card on andriod


How to store offline music on the external SD card on andriod

Hello, my name is Paschal.

I was told from your website to contact this email if i had any troubles.

Recently, I downloaded Spotify again on my phone, because it was malfunctioning, now it works properly but a new problem has aroused. i cant store off-line music on the external SD card.
I went to your website in search of a solution and came to this page.


This page is out of date compared to your new version of spotify on the android phones. i can no longer Open Spotify in your mobile
Go to “More”, “Settings” and select “Clear saved data”
Press More and then Log Out
While at the login screen, press the hardware Menu key and select SD Location
Enter the path to a folder on the SD card.

This is because the new version of Spotify android does not have a clear saved data option, or a "more" option in fact. so my question is how can i change it so that i can save my off-line play-list to the external sd card with the new version of Spotify android.

78 Replies

No you are not the only one!


It's a shame that I am forced to root my brand new Samsung S3 mini, just to be able to use Spotify the way it should!

Sonos ZP, Sonos S5, Arcam A28, Monitor Audio RX6, Ziggo network, iPad, Samsung S3 mini

Wel I must say I have succeeded the trick with the old version and without rooting my phone...

- uninstall current spotify

- install the older version using an .apk file

- start the old app, but don't log on

- change directory

- logon and perform some downloads

- download current app from the store

- log on, change offline quality to extreme

- start reïnstalling/downloading your libraries


I just installed a dozen albums and the free internal memory on my Samsung S3 mini doesn't count down, while the external memory does... I also switched off/on my phone,and it seems to work without problems. 


I hope the next version will support it right out of the box.

Sonos ZP, Sonos S5, Arcam A28, Monitor Audio RX6, Ziggo network, iPad, Samsung S3 mini

Thanks for the tip !

It works great 



Hi i tried downloading the directorybind prog but keep getting a parse error 😞 any ideas?

Just putting in my 50 cents worth of noise, please fix this issue in the current app, I prefer to use up to date apps in general, and this option is a standard option in most other apps where you store locally downloaded files like podcasts apps like "Dogcatcher" or similar, so spotify go fix, it's a simple option 🙂

Other option - move to rdio. They have pretty much the same feature Spotify used to have in terms of allowing you to set you own cache location. Doesn't seem to cause them a problem...

I don't think this is a good solution.  Spotify MUST fix this as most phones do not have enough internal memory to handle playlists!

I've given up waiting.. Unsubscribed gone to rdio.. Saved to sd card in 30 seconds now loading up for lots of offline listening... Shame loved the app & site but u need to listen and act to your subscribers needs. There's obviously a good reason why you don't ?! Third party apple interests perhaps ? Hope you change ASAP I'd love to cone back and pick up my old playlists

I can't believe there is NO OPTION to choose the storage location to external SD... I won't root my phone just for that, no way I will risk loosing warranty. I decided to not extend my subscription beyond the free trial - purely because of a lack of such an obvious and basic functionality...

I also need to be able to save to external SD card, so until they fix it I need to cancel my premium subscription and try other programs.


Is is possible to export my Spotify playlists and import them into rdio or other programs?


I have been following this thread for months. I can't believe there is no movement towards resolving such a basic need as support for an SD card?!  


I'm done. Cancelling my subscription now...will investigate rdio as others suggest.

I came to Spotify from Rdio, but if Rdio supports caching on the SD card I think I'm going to move back. Rdio also supports saving artists and albums to a collection/library, rather than forcing you to do everything through playlists. (they support playlists as well) They also have good tablet support. 


I like Spotify, I just think all their attention is on desktop users rather than mobile.

I don't know if anyone has tried it yet, but here's what I did. I moved the Spotify app to the SD-card using the app AppInstaller. You locate the app name, press it and hold for a few seconds and then select 'Export'. It will then move it to 'external storage' and is now on the SD-card. Then when you download your playlists, they should end up on the SD-card. They did so in my case. I have only tried this on the Xperia Z, as it is my first Android phone.


Hope it's some help.

This program does not help for me. They are still on internal storage, I am using Galaxy X Cover 2 with Jelly bean. Why is not this future on spotify yet? I cannot belive it!

The latest android app will now choose automatically to save your offline content to the storage which has the most space which is normally an SD card. 


Have a read at the release notes here for some instructions. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Oh, snap. Thanks alot, I will check it out!

I have had Spotify for quites a while and just said enough is enough!  There are countless entries in the user forum like this one, tons of dissatisfied customers with 1-3 star reviews on Google Play. I have emailed them several times only to receive placating responses.  I had kept my eye on Rdio for while.  Up until now their Android app was tooo sloooow, especially when manually changing albums or tracks.  I did a trial and let it expire. Today I checked back with the app and I don't know if they speeded things up on their end or if it is my recent upgrade to Jelly Bean (4.1) on Samsung Galaxy SII, but the song transitions are snappy and good quality. I also like the way the app is organized (personal preference,  I know), but the used of Collections is brilliant. Every album is indexed under the artist name. It's just cleaner. And you can also create and subscribe to Play Lists. Okay, I could go on, but the point to this forum is that no where in the near future does it look like Spotify will allow users the ability to store there offline music to their external sd cards.  I am wrting this post on May 2, 2013!!  This forum started like over a year ago!!! I don't know, maybe  longer. Too many pages!  None of the work-arounds did the trick for me and the point is, we shouldn't have to use work arounds in the first place. There is not a solid reason why Spotify would take away external storage support.  Also no reason why they can't have landscape mode (see Google Play reviews) and how long people have been asking!

Great to report that with Rdio, you can store your cached music for offline use on your external SD card!!!!  It  even allows you to set a custom path. This is helpful, because on my device when I upgraded to Jelly Bean the external SD card path changed from /sd/ext_sd ...something like that, to something like /storage...  I just entered the exact path to my card and wamo!  32GB of storage space available for music!! The way it should be.

To do this in Rdio, you will see a link at the bottom of the log-in screen on your device. Set-up from there is self evident.

Rockin' to Rdio on the web right now. Like it better than the desktop app for Spotify. So double win on the mobile and desktop. I don't work for Rdio, yet, I think I should get my first month for free after this posting!  Happy listening and storing on your  external SD card. May be the last game in town that allows their customers to do this.  Better not change it, like you know who!

I just wanr spotify to restore our ability to easily choose to put our offline tracks on ext SD card. Most folks these days have more space and find storing music on their cards more convienient. Also helps some of our phones function better with less of the internal memory being swallowed up by our playlists worth of tracks. MANY OF US ACTUALLY NEED TO BE ABLE TO CHOOSE  WHERE SUCH FILES ARE STORED. As for the app to find the most convienient place to put these files, it has not on my phone. It puts them on my internal storages despite the fact I have about 6 times mores space on my 32 gb card. It did not help that rhapsody, my other music app, did a similar switch but quickly gave its users the option to designate the card using advanced settings menu. Make my day devs and bring back the app to SD function.

Hi All,

Unfortunately the new app doesn't solve the problem for me. It still stores everything to the Internal SD.


I have contacted the support team and the conclusion seems to be that I have too many storage options available on my tablet and am confusing the app.


I have 3 storage options. Internal Storage, Internal SD and External SD.


Apparently the app is only designed to cope with a maximum of 2 storage locations.


I'm also told that there is nothing they can do about it because the app is not designed for my situation.


If the automatic choosing of the storage location isn't working on my device, I need to be able to manually tell the app where the External SD card is.



Hey there.


Can you please give me a solution for :  save my dounload music on my new sd-card. My storage om my galaxy s3 mini  is to small.

But when I instal a new sc-card,..... spotify don't' regognice de sd-cardt.  Also in the menu i don't find solutions. Please give me some simple intruction how i'l be able te use my sd-card. 4gb on my smartphone is to smal !!!





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