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Losing my downloads

Losing my downloads

Hi For some reason everytime I download music onto my phone it works fine then all of a sudden it gets wiped from my phone. This is very annoying and I have absolutely no idea why it happens. Please could someone help I see lots of people seem to have this issue but there doesn't seem to be anybody actually helping.

3 Replies

Hi there @Markdobinson, 

Spotify's app cache's the song data. If you are refreshing your phone, or clearing your cache, this will delete all downloaded songs. Add spotify to the whitelist, this will prevent any data loss. 



Hi - If i helped show some love and hit that like button

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Follow my actual spotify account for some playlist personally made by me, they include: ACIDRAP and PUMPxRAP.
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Hi how do you add it to the whitelist?


What device are you using and whats the version of software running?


Hi - If i helped show some love and hit that like button

If I solved the issue - don't be shy, mark my answer as the solution!

Follow my actual spotify account for some playlist personally made by me, they include: ACIDRAP and PUMPxRAP.
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