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Music disappearing

Music disappearing

I use Spotify on my phone - Nexus 6p and on my computer. I put all music that I save to download on my phone, however not on my computer. I notice my music keeps being deleted on my phone. I had my cellular data on, and didn't know all my music was deleted or that it started downloading once I turned it on, and there went my 5 GB of data. This has now been an regular occurrence. Looking for some advice. Is it because I don't download on my computer that it periodically deletes from my phone ?🤔
4 Replies

Do you have more then 10% free space on the storage medium? Are you a premium user and do you connect (go online) more than once every 30 days?

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

Yes I am a premium, I also never put Spotify to offline, incase I want to
stream a song. I just have it set not to use cellular data for download

Please read the guide linked below for details on the most common issues and how to fix them. Usually a clean install is the first step to take and resolves most of the usual issues; the guide details the steps to take to ensure a full 'clean installation' is achieved - This includes checking redundant folders and a REBOOT!

[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

It is also happening to me. I have a SSD where all music gets downloaded. It is the third time (in a few days) that while playing a song, it suddenly stops (and resume after a few seconds) but the app shows like there are no downloaded songs and ignores the SSD card (the music is still there because I only it use for SSD and I can see the storage is still occupied).


I have to erase the SSD, and download again all songs, considering thet they are more than 3000 this is really a pain.


I am a premium user, my device is Android 5.1.1 and my android version is

I changed cellphones some weeks ago and this is the SDD I used in the other phone (where spotify worked for more than a year without issues). I have erased all contents in the SSD several times by now (as I mentioned, each time this problem happened)



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