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No SD Card Found

No SD Card Found

I have a 16GB Nexus 4. Recently I've been getting "No SD Card Found" and it wont allow me to do anything. If i reboot I get the same error. All my other apps can access my "SD Card" with no issues. The only way I have found to fix this problem is to uninstall and reinstall, but the issue appears again in less than a week. 


Looks like I'm not the only one:





P.S. Spotify just gave me for my various contributions the rank of "Superfan". lol I think it's the opposite with all the problems I've had with the android app and html5 app.

53 Replies

I'm getting the "No SD Card Found" error as well. I did a full reinstall after the stock update tot android 4.4.2. Now I have a blank spotify screen and the "No SD Card Found" error.

I have made photos to save on my SD Card and it works fine.

Your device: Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Device’s Operating System: Android 4.4.2
Space left on your device: 17.58 GB
Space left on your External SD card: 58.38 GB (Samsung original)
Is your device rooted: No
Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?: No, using stock
Your mobile Spotify version:

New Spotify its not compatible with 4.4.2 bcoz Google chagne something in SD security or something like that,. We need to wait for update, that hope so will be available very soon

Yup can confirm there are SD card changes from reading the development notes:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Ugh. Guys, another user has managed to find a way around this issue and has posted details here.

For everybody on KitKat 4.4.2 having the no SD card problem,


"Hello All,

Since kitkat 4.4.2 was released on the Galaxy Note 3, many users were unable to write files to the External SD Card. Below is a simple fix for rooted users on the Galaxy Note 3 N9005 ( International Snapdragon Variant).

**Please be advised that I have only tested this on my personal N9005. However, you are free to test it on your own devices at your own risk!! **

1. Using a root-enabled file manager, navigate to /system/etc/permissions 
2. Edit platform.xml and find the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.
3. Add an additional group definition for this permission...<group gid="media_rw" />
4. Save the changes to the file.
5. Restart. "


Installing a lager sd card.
1 format card
2 restart phone
3 go to setting clear cache & data
4 open spotify and sign in
5 whalla

Good luck

I'd advice some backup before the card format tho...

If its a new card than don't worry, if already an existing card then back up surely before formating

I've been having the same issue. I just get a blank screen, and that spotify has stopped working.

Started when I did a factory reset.


Your device: Samsung Galaxy S3
Device’s Operating System: Android 4.4.2
Space left on your device: 10.55GB
No external SD card
Is your device rooted: No idea
Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?: No, using stock
Your mobile Spotify version:


I've tried clearing the cache, I've tried clearing the data. I have tried reinstalling the app, I've reset my phone back to factory settings. I've connected my phone to a computer and deleted the folders that were marked spotify under data which was suggested.


Nothings has worked. Incredibly frustrating.

So has anyone found the solution???  I am having the same problem.  I only see others complaining here but no solution.  Help!  Is driving me nuts!


I just stopped using the app as it was unreliable and a hassle at this

@rwcislo wrote:

So has anyone found the solution???  I am having the same problem.  I only see others complaining here but no solution.  Help!  Is driving me nuts!


Have you read the guide linked below? I give several ways to ensure the SD card is being recognised... or how to troubleshoot if in fact the SD Card is corrupt.

[GUIDE] How to fix common issues for Spotify on Android

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

I don't believe so.

I honestly gave up. At the time, I didn't have time to mess around with it
any longer. I tried different phones and SD cards which was enough for me
to ditch it momentarily. Maybe it's time to revisit.

I had the same problem until I went to the storage settings on my device, I changed it from USB Storage to SD Card now it opens.Screenshot_2015-06-16-02-06-37.png

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