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Not possible to swipe songs anymore

Not possible to swipe songs anymore

I've installed my Nexus 7 (2012) in the dashboard of my car. I really like to use spotify there but after an update the swipe function doesn't work anymore. So before I had this problem i could switch a song easily by using my finger swiping over the cover. Very comfortable while driving. But now this function works exactly one time after starting the app. So after I switch a song the first time it doesn't work anymore by swiping. The only possibility then is to switch a song by the 'next' button and that is really stressful by driving the car.



I've found out that i have exactly the same problem on my android phone (2nd Moto G) when I use the landscape mode!

So I removed my Nexus 7 from the dashboard and and turned it 90° to test the swipe function. In this 'normal mode' this function works really fine!


So I think Spotify on Android has a bug in landscape mode.

Does anybody else has the same problem?


Account: Spotify Premium

Device(s): Motorola Moto G 2nd gen. and Nexus 7 (2012)

Version: (latest update in Playstore)

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