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Pause download of songs?


Pause download of songs?

Can I, and if so, how, pause download of playlists?


Lets say I have a playlist with 900 songs, and I have a slow broadband speed, I would like to pause the download when I need to use the Internet for something, and then continue the download later. But now, instead, I have to download everything over again, becuase theres only a cancel button and no pause button for downloads.


Please fix this! 🙂


Accepted Solutions
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Im reviving this topic to request a pause button for downloads. Simple but so useful.

View solution in original post

Marked as solution

This is not solved. We need this feature. Angrily trying to manage my downloads in an airport right now. Would like to download my most recent saved songs without downloading all 2000 of them. Simply pause or stop download would be great. Instead it's all or nothing in 2017. Please fix.

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6 Replies

You could just disable wifi on the mobile until you're ready to resume downloading. 

Or just pop Spotify into offline mode in the settings menu should also do the trick.

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Hmm didn't think of that, would still be nice with a pause download button though 🙂

Marked as solution

Im reviving this topic to request a pause button for downloads. Simple but so useful.

Yes to pause button for those who have slow internet and downloading something else or watching movie online or live .

because if both load at the same time you will have slower connection, some cases your battery drain faster you want to listen to highest quality of music when you download it so it is good when you don't have internet or slow connection to listen to high quality music.

In my opinion this is a simple pause button nothing fancy but it's a great help.

Marked as solution

This is not solved. We need this feature. Angrily trying to manage my downloads in an airport right now. Would like to download my most recent saved songs without downloading all 2000 of them. Simply pause or stop download would be great. Instead it's all or nothing in 2017. Please fix.

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