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Premium won't work on phone

Premium won't work on phone

Our family just started a plan for Premium spotify. It says I am successfully part of the plan online, but I am still getting ads and can't use premium features on the phone ap. I have logged out and logged back in again and it has not resolved the problem.

3 Replies

Your account may still be processing, maybe try deleting spotify, and redownloading it again, if not then i'd quit the subscription for family and add back into it

It has been 2 weeks now and no change. I have uninstalled and re-installed as suggested and also tried logging in and out. It works fine online. The phone app doesn't identify my account as premium (or allow use of premium features) or sync any songs I have added to my list since upgrading to premium.

That's strange. Did you accept the invitation and follow all the steps under "ACCEPT AN INVITE" on the help page? Are you definitely logged into the same account?

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