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Preview app - glitches on returning to app

Preview app - glitches on returning to app

Still liking the new app. It's pretty stable, but I have noticed quite consistent glitches in behaviour when returning to the app from elsewhere - i.e. after being in another app or having the screen locked with Spotify playing in the background.



  • On returning to the app in full-screen now playing view the X at the top to exit that view does not work. Pressing the Android 'back' button closes back to the launcher. Selecting Spotify again opens the app back at the default Playlist view
  • On returning to the app with the mini now-playing display at the bottom of the screen this has not updated from what was playing when the app was left and does not update until the playing track changes
  • On returning to the app with the mini now-playing display at the bottom, pressing that does not open the full screen now-playing view
  • On the full screen now playing view sometimes the 'share' and 'more' icons disappear from the top right. One way to consistently recreate this is to select 'share', choose Twitter from the list, then cancel the twitter dialogue that appears. (This also occurs on other screens that have the 'share' and 'more' icons at the top)
  • Sometimes on entering the app only a white page is shown with no content - just the menu icon at the top left, but pressing the icon just shows a white, empty option list
  • Sometimes on returning to the app in full screen now-playing view it has not updated from what was playing when the phone was locked

Thats it for now - will update if I find any more 🙂

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence
10 Replies

Have the same problems. I am on a skyrocket leaked ics rom.

Yeah I've noticed the "X" button on Now Playing sometimes fails to work, and I have seen some slowdown/lagginess when scrolling through lists after using the app for a while. Not seen any of those other problems so far though.

Hi I'm running ics on a samsung galaxy s2

*Starred tracks dosent work - app close down

*My own playlist dosent work - app close down

*Playlists created by other users work



Someone else with the first issue:

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

Had the white screen issue again today - had to reboot my phone to fix it as manually killing the Spotify process in App Manager didn't sort it.


As before it happened while travelling - wondering whether it's tied into the issue of crashing when losing network signal I mentioned here:

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

I've had that "white screen of silence" quite a bit now, usually at least a couple of times a day. But I've found that killing the process and restarting Spotify always seems to fix it.

Yep, while I haven't had all of these problems, all of the problems I had are on this list. Obviously this is what is preventing the preview from being an official release, but hopefully they can be fixed quickly.

Wow this glitch is bad, I just discovered even restarting the phone doesn't fix this.

I can confirm this reproduce on my phone (Galaxy Nexus with 4.0.4 for what it's worth)


Sometime hitting back a few times is enough, I had to reboot the phone only once until now.

Have had the "white screen of death" issue since installing the official release. Not used the new app fully though so will see if it returns
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

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