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Problema para descargar música

Problema para descargar música

Buenos días/tardes/noches, tengo un problema con las descargas de musica a mi dispositivo (tengo cuenta premium vigente).

Empeze a añadir nuevas canciones a mi musica pero se tarda BASTANTE tiempo en descargar la musica, borre mis descargar y las empeze a descargar otra vez y de nuevo, tarda bastante en descargar o aveces ni se descarga la música. Ya desintale e instale la app desde la Play Store, espero me pudanp ayudar, gracias.

1 Reply

Hey @qjtc-vqrj_2z, help's here. 


We hope you don't mind us answering in English. We first suggest that you perform a clean reinstall with the steps provided here, and that you remove your offline devices from your account page since something might've happened with your downloaded music. 


Keep in mind that the Spotify app relies on a stable internet connection. When you download your music, make sure that you have a good WiFi connection, and try switching between networks if necessary.


Hope that helps, and let us know how it goes!

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