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Redownload all playlists

Redownload all playlists

Hello everyone. Been currently using spotify as my main music player. I already made my own playlist compiled with my favorite songs. i have been a Premium Member since January 2016. As i notice everytime my premium member ends, when i become premium again i have to redownload every song in my playlist/s. Is this normal? Cause this is very frustrating as i have so much music saved where i have to redownload around 2000+ music which takes a very long time since our internet connection here is not that fast. Hope Spotify can change this. 



ASUS Zenfone 2 - Laser

4 Replies

Hey @sirfunk3


Yes this is normal.


When a premium subscription ends, all of the downloaded files in the app are removed. This is in place so that people cannot continue to use premium features without an active subscription. 


It is recommended that you keep your subscription set to auto renew every month so that the files are not deleted.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Thank you for replying @MattSuda

As per checking. Auto renewal is only applicable with subscribers paying with credit card. I am currently using payment thru cellphone load. Php129.00 per month (Philippines). Next long term payment method would be for a year subscription. is there any other way that i can use the auto renewal without using a credit card?


Thank you.

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Hi! I currently encountered this yesterday. 1/19/18.

I am still currently subscribed as a premium user since my expiration for the premium is on 1/27/18. Somehow when i opened my spotify it was logged out and then when i logged back in all my playlist were no longer available.Where in i did not log it out. I am also just using 3 devices for spotify since i use this app as my main music player. This is such a big hassle for me since i already have a lot on my playlists. Please fix this if there are any bugs. I've been a premium user with spotify for over a year now and inconvenience like this is not acceptable. 

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