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Remove top podcasts suggestions

Remove top podcasts suggestions

Smack dab in the middle of the homescreen is "Your Top Podcasts". It seems to list any podcasts unrelated to what you actually listen to. The suggestions are often inappropriate and embarassing. 

This issue has been brought up countless times in the past year. Nothing has been implemented to address this problem. I'm beginning to think that it is not due to an inability to implement an option to "hide" suggestions, but instead Spotify is being paid to advertise these podcasts. So tough luck. 


This is ridiculous. Fix this sht or lose your patrons.

Top Answer
Casual Listener

Please go vote for this idea at the following below for Spotify to make a change to this issue.

97 Replies

2022, still my homepage is flooded with podcasts.

y’all do nothing but talk about “vote it if you want it changed” ITS BEEN AN ISSUE SINCE 2019. TURN UR BRAIN ON AND FIX IT????? You know the fooking problem so literally just fix it?????? I 

Absolutely. I was about to say the exact same thing. Come on, Spotify. Make this optional. This is not a big issue. Otherwise contact me, if you need support in your UX department. Can’t imagine this big company making lazy excuses for such an important issue. Especially when there is kids involved (see all the parent threads about this with added together over 7000 votes!!!!!)

Absolutely. I was about to say the exact same thing as all of you guys above/below.

Come on, Spotify. Make this optional.

This is not a big issue. Otherwise contact me, if you need support in your UX department. Can’t imagine this big company making lazy excuses for such an important issue. Especially when there is kids involved (see all the parent threads about this with added together over 7000 votes!!!!!

Wake up Spotify devs!

This is driving me nuts.

I do NOT want podcasts OR nation specific junk cluttering up my home screen.

I pay for premium to get away from unwanted stuff, YET you force it on me.

There has to be a way to opt out of podcasts... just fix it.

Is this a joke..... absolutely useless reply. Just wasting everyone's time 

Nexus 5

All we every here is "thanks guys, thanks, really interest. Thanks guys keep the feedback coming". F**king**bleep**. Just sort the issue out 

Nexus 5

I finally found the solution! I unsubscribed from Spotify and joined Apple Music. It's brilliant, the problem was solved straight away, such and easy fix and now Spotify is so much better and cheaper and with more songs and a better service. Thanks Spotify, you're the best! 

Nexus 5

Does anyone have a REAL solution other than canceling my premium account and deleting Spotify? I just want to remove items you've decided are my top podcasts despite them not being podcasts I listen to. How could I have possibly known that trying something for a couple of minutes only to learn I hate it would result in me being forever forced to see the podcast displayed in my feed, preventing me from accessing the actual podcasts I'm subscribed to? This is the worst user experience.

This is ridiculous! I'm not interested in podcasts that aren't science related. I haven't nor will I ever listen to Joe Rogan I'm sick of seeing his ugly face in my suggested podcasts.

This is *not* a solution.

This is not a solution. 

Hey y'all - For me the solution became to block these unwanted pod-cast suggestions with AdGuard blocker - unfortunately.
Hopefully Spotify will respect us paying customers and stop promoting unwelcome content. I'm only here for the music.

// Mabe

It's shocking to me how this issue is all over the internet and Spotify won't do anything about it. I have suggestions on my home screen that always seem to start debates with friends when they see it and I don't even listen to them One was of a naked lady and my parents asked about it, and I had to say look I don't know these suggestions. I pay for this service, where's the customability? 

I pay for family premium and I am annoyed by clickbaits for idiots being shown in the middle of my carplay with no option to get rid of it. I want music, not politics stuff nor stories about „famous” youtubers I don’t give any damn of. Thanks spotify, going to check Apple Music now.

They just push any podcast into your queue. I unsubscribed from a few podcasts and they keep popping on my list, I cannot remove them and they even get onto my queue. 

It's extremely frustrating that this has not been fixed yet. Fix**bleep**!

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