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Removed the ability to shuffle play all playlist in a folder?


Removed the ability to shuffle play all playlist in a folder?

In the new update for the Android app, it seems they removed the option to play all playlist in a folder, is that true? I used it all the time because I follow a lot of playlist and to be able to listen to them all in shuffle mode where fantastic... 😞 So is it really true or am I missing something?
283 Replies

This is the link a helpful user referred to in an associated post. I just rolled back myself

Remember to disable auto update in the playstore.

So annoying was about to get in a 30min run and coundn't shuffle all my electronic playslist. What gives Spotify? Was standing there like what the **bleep** what now...

Essential feature! Gives spotify the edge over Google music.

I was very disappointed to discover this feature was missing.
I may as well go back to Pandora where I can at least shuffle stations

Wow. so they actually removed it. So.... what other services do you guys suggest? I can't listen to all my music so I might as well try some other stuff.

iOS version still can play all songs in a folder so hopefully this is just a mistake. Please bring it back spotify!

Wouldn't say this is a solution! If it is a mistake it needs a quick fix. If not it still needs a quick fix!

This is outrageous!

I was using the "play all" feature literally everyday.

I'm strongly thinking on cancelling my premium subscription.

Not sure if anyone really knows about this feature as it's a hidden one only available for creation on the desktop app. In any event, you can right click on the lefthand side under the playlist section and create a folder. In the folder you can drag your playlists. There's an option to now play the folder, which is a great way of playing multiple playlists at once.


Once this was created you would have access to this folder through mobile, and there used to be a button to view all songs and then shuffle play those. Unfortunately this feature has been removed from the mobile app. I don't know why it was removed, but we really need to get this back.


Release notes on the features being removed would be nice to have so we know why something that worked perfectly fine was removed.

Hey @johnniewalker23, we hear you. Best way to proceed with making your voice heard on features requests is to visit Spotify's Ideas hub and suggest a new idea or upvote an existing one. Found this one for instance re: Playlist Folders. If Spotify likes it and it gets enough votes they'll look to bring it back.


If this answer was helpful please mark as 'solved' and give a kudos, thanks!

Also having this issue since a recent update. I have a Singles folder with individual genre playlists and anot Albums/Artists folder with individual playlists within that.

I used to have a Play All button until the recent update and it's gone!

Thanks for your response, but that post is 5 years old. Adding my voice to that hasn't done anything from what I can see. Also it's not a new idea, as it was just working. I'm curious as to why it was removed. Do you know?

I use the "play all" feature every day to shuffle multiple playlists together. I couldn't believe it was suddenly gone and have no idea why this would be so (still working fine on desktop). Please bring it back!

Hey everyone, thanks for your posts!


I've checked on my version of the Android app and see it's missing for me as well. Can everyone experiencing this please list what version of Spotify you are using as well as the device and Android version? Not sure at the moment if this is a bug or intentional change, but having the version numbers will help get the ball rolling on finding out what's happening here.

dinomightSpotify Star
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Spotify armv7

Pixel XL Android 7.1.1

Wow, feelikeastrangr. Are you an employee? I'm sorry, but this reply really soured me. We all know playlist folders won't come back, and if they do, it'll be a long time from now. Why does Spotify feel the need to change these things? I had a folder of 30+ playlists I was subscribed to, that I shuffle played. Now I guess I have to play one at a time? Why? Maybe I really should look into Google Play or something else because the removal of features is not new to Spotify. This is ridiculous and not okay and this reply did not pacify me at all or assure me that anything would be done anytime soon.


"We hear you." No, you don't.

My brother's been inviting me to his Google Play for over a year now. This might be the thing that makes me take him up on his offer. Spotify removing features I use is not new. Then they ask us to lobby to bring them back, which they never do. And those that they do bring back take forever to be brought back. I'm not happy, and am strongly considering canceling my premium before my next payment is due. I want this feature back yesterday, and no, I'm not voting for one of the "ideas" posted. That literally never works. You only need to see the mass graveyards of ideas from when this same thing happened countless times in the past to know how this is going to go.

I'm on

Android 6.0.1 on Galaxy S7 Edge

PLEASE bring back thius was perfect!

I use this feature everyday. It is a big plus to me. Please bring it back! Otherwise I'll download the APK of the latest version in which we could find this feature and avoid updates...

this is the most stupid thing spotify have done, bring it back NOW

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