Hey folks! We're aware of some playlist issues. More info can be found here.

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Removed the ability to shuffle play all playlist in a folder?


Removed the ability to shuffle play all playlist in a folder?

In the new update for the Android app, it seems they removed the option to play all playlist in a folder, is that true? I used it all the time because I follow a lot of playlist and to be able to listen to them all in shuffle mode where fantastic... 😞 So is it really true or am I missing something?
283 Replies

This is not a solution.  It is a work-around assuming you have access to the desktop player or that the Android app doesn't just reset back to the start (which mine does ... sometimes after a while of not playing or sometimes as soon as music is not playing and I bring another app to the foreground.


The only real solution here is to bring back the ability to play a playlist folder.  What problem were people having that its removal was a solution?

The problem "they" were having was conveniently playing too much of
their own music and not enough of the stuff Spotify's advertisers would
rather you heard.

It's the only possible reason for diluting the user experience like

How do you downgrade to the previous version?

Check my post from approx. 2 weeks ago. Maybe on page 2 or 3 of this thread. You need to uninstall the current version before installing the older version and make sure your apps are not set to auto-update.

I suggest everyone tweet @SpotifyCares. The complaint is more public and perhaps will get better traction.

This is a perfect solution for the small minority of people that take their laptop everywhere with them and can browse the desktop version at a stop light. This is a TERRIBLE IDEA!

Wait, I dont get it...

I just tried the folder thing, added 2 playlists and double clicked (on desktop of course) and it did shuffled both playlists.

Was i supposed to see those folders on the android app? Cause i don't.


Also i thought this thread was about the "songs" default folder which used to appear on older versions. I used to have all my library of saved/downloaded albums there, so I could shuffle all of them.

Yeah, the issue is with the android app. In the last update they removed the feature, but it's still available in the desktop version. Someone gave the stupid suggestion that we can just tell it to play from the desktop and then play from a different device (mobile). It's a terrible idea since nobody is going to carry their laptop around and find a wifi hotspot just to tell their phone to play music the way it could just before the last update. Spotify is screwing with us and it pisses me off because since I started paying for premium it became my main source of music. I spent hours arranging and re-arranging the folder hierarchy to be able to play the desired mix from the various playlists in the folder. I really HOPE THEY BRING IT BACK

Here's a workaround that could work for some people. Create a master playlist in a folder containing all of the playlist in said folder. Then hit shuffle on youe master play list then boom. You're playing the whole folder.

Still would appreciate it if the feature made a return.. 🙂

That's better than the previous recommendation, and I was doing this when the feature was having some hickups a few months back but stopped after they straightened it out. I'm frequently adding new artists and albums to my folders, and I have playlists made of songs only saved to my library etc. ATM I have around 430 playlists and apx 65 folders. Even creating IFTTT recipes to automate macro-playlists is a huge hassle at this level. I've tried a lot of things, but basically what it comes down to is if the feature doesn't come back, I'll have to focus only on the artists w/ songs I rate 4/5 stars & up. I had a whole organization system set up perfectly in MusicBee before I switched to Spotify. It was a neat-freak's dream come true. Not knowing what features I can rely on is becoming a real pain in my @## lately.

Please bring this back ASAP! I always used this feature. Why remove things? Why not make it an option, so users can decide for themselves?

No!, why did they take this out? What was the harm of it? I made really good use of this feature. The alternative is to have muy music completely disorganized.

What are you thinking over there? We should have a 3rd party app that LISTENS to the community.

First you remove the lyrics feature from PC and now this. Whats next? Remove shuffle? Very confusing on what path the dev team is following here.

If anyone notices when hopefully the "play all songs in a folder" feature is re-added at some point in a future update (fingers crossed, but not holding my breath), please post that info. here, so that we are all aware. Don't want to run an out of date version any longer than necessary.

Where can I find a version where shuffle all works?? Please!

The link has been posted in this very thread @zizziolo. Get off your **bleep** and scroll through the first few pages.

Thank you Archiede.  Your solution worked.  I had to save the file on my SD card then install from there but the green shuffle button is back.  I just have to make sure my android phone des not update the Spotify app until they come to their senses.

Thank you @archiede
No thank you @Joe

Hey everyone, we recently took the decision to remove the ability to shuffle all songs in a playlist folder on mobile devices (you can still do this from your Spotify Desktop app). 
If you're looking for a quick way to shuffle those songs you can add all songs from the folder to one playlist and then hit shuffle. This feature is also available on Desktop so if you start playing there and transfer to your mobile via Connect you will be able to listen to the shuffled folder. 
Of course we always want your feedback around changes we've made. Please feel free to leave your feedback in this idea in our Idea Exchange

So I have 2 options.

1) Move to another service

2) Stay in an old apk version forever


This is the worst first world problem I've ever had 😞

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