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Save Option Missing

Save Option Missing

I have spotify premium, but when I go onto an album or song I do not get the option to save the music. Am I doing something wrong? 

4 Replies

Here's a screenshot.


If you just want to add a song to your library without downloading it, long touch on the song or touch the three dots to the right to bring up the context menu and select "Save".


If you want to download music to be able to listen to it offline, you can't do this for individual songs - only for playlists, albums, artists or all songs in your library. This help page explains how to download music step by step.

It appears that for some reason my version of android gives me a "favorite"
option instead of "save" and a "me" option at the bottom of the screen
instead of "library". Although I don't know why. I use a S7. My son has an
S4 and he gets the save/library options.

Yeah, they seem to be running three different UIs at the moment, just to keep us confused so, in your case, favouriting a song is the same as saving and the instructions for downloading are the same although you need to go to "favorites" under the "Me" tab to find your playlists and library.

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