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Spotify on Android: Just doesn't work

Spotify on Android: Just doesn't work

So, I bought a smartphone this weekend. A Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. I Installed spotify on it, and that's where the drama began.


At home I use Spotify on my desktop. No problems at all, but the android app is just crappy. Already contacted Spotify about this, all they say are things like "clear your cache" or "reinstall" and after a while, they said that my mobile-phone-providers network is just not good enough. Contacted them, and that's just bull**bleep**.


What happens is, every time I want to listen to a song, it takes half a minute before it plays. If I'm lucky, it will play without pauzes, but mostly, the song pauzes every 3 seconds or so. Which makes listening to music more irritating then fun.


Even if a song does play like it should, don't even try to forward to the next, or another random song, because the same thing happens over and over again.


I'm getting kind of sick of this. I am paying to use Spotify and now I just can't. Is there anyone else with this problem who know what to do?

9 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Are you connecting via WiFi or using 3G or 4G? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I am connected to 3G, because, here in Holland, we don't have 4G jet.

With wifi the problem still exists.


I bought this phone because I wanted to use Spotify on it, and I'm getting pretty pissed off by the fact that it just doesn't work.


Just contacted my provider and it is impossible that my network is too slow.

@Suz4nne wrote:



I am connected to 3G, because, here in Holland, we don't have 4G jet.

With wifi the problem still exists.


I bought this phone because I wanted to use Spotify on it, and I'm getting pretty pissed off by the fact that it just doesn't work.


Just contacted my provider and it is impossible that my network is too slow.

It is very possible - it is possible that the connection to the Spotify network is slow.

Than you should tell people that it's impossible with a brand new phone, to use spotify. I contacted my provider and if I can watch youtube and stuff, this should work too.


Why do people with the same provider, but an IPhone instead of a Samsung, have no problems at all?


Besides, it should work on wifi then. And that's not the case. And isn't the point of spotify that you can play your music everywhere? Because I can't and things like Google play and stuff work just fine.


I pay good money for something that doesn't work at all and thats a shame. I always loved using spotify, but it already cost me days trying to solve this, and all I get is that it's my phone or provider, while I am by far not the only person with this problem.


Personally, I don't see why you should be having any of these issues, especially on WiFi. Can you mark playlists for offline usage and download them or does it not do anything? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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And: Could you tell me what the specifications of my mobile internet should be? How many mb-sec and stuff?

Then I can check if it is my provider or not.

I can download them, but when I try, download keeps getting stuck at 0%.


Besides, the point is that I can use it, even when I don't use Wifi?

Why do all applications work on my network, except spotify?

Spotify premium at "Extreme Quality" on mobile applications requires 320kbps. 3G or WiFi should be more than enough!

All of the Spotify quality bitrates are described here 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have a Samsung and it works perfectly fine.


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