For thoses interested in encryption apparently adpotable storage is encrypted.
Please Read Appendix 4 - Why encrypt the SD card
*** I take no responsibility and request that following any part of these instructions you agree to indemnify me again any all consiquences including damage to phone. I make no promises or guarantees this will work on your model***
Please note i have only been using for a day or so and have not encountered any negative effects on my phone YET!
I am not sure why Samsung left this feature hidden. But you can't remove and reinsert sd as previously.
My model is G935-W8
After considering modifying the APK to fix the issue I stumbled on an interesting solution.
Spotify appears to have no problem when installed on internal memory
Of course spotify support recommended I use internal memory which will make your phone grind to a halt as it fills.
Wishing samsung had the function of Android 6.0 Marshmallow called Adoptable Storage I decided to dig deeper and discovered it is possible.
Make sure to backup your SD CARD Data before doing this.
Format your SD card before doing this.
Note 1
Prerequisites for usb debugging.
* Goto APPS FOLDER -> SAMSUNG -> Galaxy Apps on your phone
Search the Galaxy Apps store for My Knox and make sure its uninstalled.
* Goto Google Play and search for "My Knox" Uninstall it.
You may disable USB debugging and Re-Install My Knox after.
Note 2
accessing adb
Windows Key + R
type in CMD
enter in the Command window without quotes
Adb commands will work from here
The actual ADB commands I used
CMD command #1
CMD command #2
adb devices
CMD Command #3
adb shell
ADB shell command #1
shell@hero2ltebmc:/ $ sm list-disks
ADB command #2
shell@hero2ltebmc:/ $ sm partition disk:179,0 private
Note 3
If you do NOT have a Class 10 SD Card it would be a bad idea to do this.
Samsung EVO 64GB worked perfectly during my test.
Note 4
The device storage size will always be double the larger memory size phone or SD card.
The usable amount is phone 32GB + 64GB size of SD card installed in the phone shown below. Which is approximately 96GB and 128GB disk size shown.
No Application will see your SD Card now as the memory is considered internal now by the phone.
Some apps may not work as the app expects your missing external SD card from prior runs. Those apps need the cache data cleared using the application manager. Or setting cleared to defaults.
Alternatively you can goto google play and uninstall then reinstall the app that stopped working and this will fix the issue.
See my phone with a 64GB Samsung EVO shown in the photo.
Cheers and I hope this helps you!